My Teacher Doesn’t Like Me!

When a child says to a parent that the teacher does not like the child, the parent has a tough choice. It is important to remember that this is the student’s perception. What to do?

Make contact with the teacher and find out exactly how the student is doing in that class or other classes. It is important to find out if what the teacher is requiring of the student is something that the student truly understands. Frequently the communication between teachers and students is not clear. Help the student understand what the teacher wants in terms of the student’s behavior and performance.

The student may be sensing a teacher who is negative and works harshly with students. If this is the situation, then it is best to try and resolve it at the administration level of the school. Work with the principal or counselor to see how to resolve the issue(s).

Help the student at home by giving the student coping skills to use in the classroom. These are probably the same skills that a student uses with a parent when the parent is angry and upset with the student.

Do not let the situation continue indefinitely. Students exposed to negative learning environments generally become procrastinators and find excuses to escape from the work. That means then students are not learning. That is not a good outcome.

For more information, contact Beth Silver. Email: Phone: 310-720-0390 Website:

Test Anxiety

Students often state that they have test anxiety when taking a test. This is true for students of all ages – including adults who must renew drivers’ licenses by taking a test!

Preparation for tests is important. Too many students wait for a test to be announced and then they cram the material to be learned. Cramming helps a small number of people. For most students cramming is not the technique to use to get ready for a test.

Test preparation should be ongoing and done daily. For example, when information is given that contains vocabulary to be learned, that vocabulary should be learned the same day as part of the “homework” package that a student does. This is for vocabulary in all subjects.

Reviewing reading notes and textbook materials. In math, for example, there is usually an end of chapter review. Let’s say the assignment is to do exercises for chapter 3.4. In addition, the student should go back and review 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 that nights. Just one example from each section will work.

Learning concepts should be done daily. Review class notes. Check in the textbook. Watch an online video. The more the student understands the concept material the better prepared the student will be.

A student who is really prepared and studied for the test will find that test anxiety is not as high and is manageable.

What are Education Standards?

A standard in education is a measure of a norm that is used in comparative evaluations. Standards are written for various school curricula. This sets the plan for the instruction that will take place in a course. It is up to the school, administration and teacher to implement these standards in their teaching methods.

Benchmarks are points along the way to completing a full standard. Students may take tests in school that are called benchmarks or assessments. This helps to evaluate the academic progress of a student.

Standardized testing is found in most of the schools in grades 3-12. A standardized test is one that is given and scored in a predetermined manner. There are two kinds of standardized tests. One is an aptitude test which will predict how likely the student will perform. The other is an achievement test. This test shows what the student knows by evaluating their skills such as reading comprehension.

It is important to follow a student’s progress through the testing. Sometimes parents are confused by the data and information presented. If you need help with this issue, please contact Beth Silver. You can reach her at: or 310-720-0390.

Daily Learning is Important

Most students- of any age- are familiar with cramming for a test. Cramming means that a student tries to learn all the material one or two days before a test. Cramming does not work for most people. When a student crams, the student tries to memorize a set of words that go with a definition or concept. The problem is that if the test question asks for the information in a different manner, the student is at a loss to answer it because it was not asked the way it was memorized.

Daily learning means that a student adds between 5 and 10 minutes to homework for a subject. During this time the student learns the material. Information should be put in the student’s own words. If a teacher insists on an exact definition from a text, then the student should make a flashcard and highlight the important words to remember.

Doing daily learning will also help the student learn information to make sure it is completely understood. This gives the student extended time to learn the information and to be able to use it from memory.

For more information on learning go to: Contact Beth Silver at 310-720-0390 or

What is Reading Comprehension?

Reading comprehension is the ability to read words and interpret them by giving meaning to what has been read. When students are beginning to read, the emphasis is placed on the sounding out or sight recognition of letters and words. The emphasis on understanding is extremely important. It should be encouraged from the beginning when a student learns to read.

Fiction is easier than non-fiction to comprehend. Most students get the idea of the plot of a story and can do interpretations easily. The reading of non-fiction – that is textbooks, handouts, information online- is more difficult. It is important for students to read a portion at a time to understand the factual information. A good guideline is to stop after each paragraph and make sure the interpretation of information is done to put it into memory.

Vocabulary building is vital to encourage students to become excellent readers. Every student should have a vocabulary building program. If the school does not provide one, then the parents should. There are many online resources for books and other technology for learning vocabulary.

If you have questions you would like answered, please contact Beth Silver. email: Phone: 310-720-0390.